WHAT WE SHREDFirelands Local is NAID certified to destroy:
Paper records Micromedia Looking to drop off papers to be shredded? DROP OFF SCHEDULE 1st Wednesday of the Month 9am to 2pm or by appointment. If you have large amounts to be dropped off please call: 419-706-4945 to schedule an appointment. |
PRICINGPlease download our pricing information.
SENIOR DISCOUNT Ages 55+ $5 off or 50lbs free |
GET A QUOTERequest a shredding quote or proposal.
Call James: 419-706-4945 or |
Barnes Wendling has been using Firelands Local for our shredding for the last 5 years. With the nature of our business, data security is of utmost importance. With Firelands Local, we always feel our shredding is secure and their staff is courteous and professional.
- Barnes Wendling CPA's
KEEPS YOUR REPUTATION SAFE AND SECURE In spring of 2003 Firelands Local launched Firelands Local Document Destruction, offering certified secure document destruction to local businesses. Since then, Firelands Local Document Destruction has grown to destroy approximately 1 million pounds of records, serving more than 800 customers each year, including banks, hospitals, and other professional offices. |
Our Shred Team collected a total of 9,671 lbs of material from 69 cars!
The FirstNot only will that help with security season, but it will help save the planet!
The SecondAccording to the Environmental Protection Agency, recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees and more than 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space.
The ThirdThat means a total of 82 trees were (hopefully) saved! And since paper can be recycled up to 7 times, there can be less tree cutting!
Our Process
Our primary document processing equipment is an Allegheny Shredder ¼” strip shred unit that feeds into an open-ended horizontal baler.
Shredded material is immediately compressed into 1,000 pound bales that are stored in our secure shred room until being delivered to paper mills to be pulped and recycled into new products. |
We strictly adhere to all NAID protocols, including 90+ days of archived video, background checks on all employees and careful chain of custody practices.
We are AAA Certified by the NAID

Firelands Local Document Destruction is a member of the National Association for Information Destruction and holds NAID’s highest AAA Certification for paper record, and micromedia destruction.
We take pride in the integrity and value of our services, with security that meets or exceeds industry standards. For more information visit the NAID website.
We take pride in the integrity and value of our services, with security that meets or exceeds industry standards. For more information visit the NAID website.
- Royal Paper Stock: www.royalpaperstock.com
- Gateway Recycling: www.gatewayrecycle.com
- River Valley Paper: www.rivervalleypaper.com
- ScrapCom Inc.: www.scrapcom.net
Our Customers
American Excelsior has thrived as a leader in the flexible foam, erosion control, and excelsior wood fiber industries. Learn more here.
Ohio Veterans Home
The Ohio Veterans Homes are a State of Ohio establishment comprised of three facilities – a nursing home located in Georgetown, and a nursing home and a domiciliary located in Sandusky. Each one offers a quality of life which emphasizes privacy, encourages independence, provides comfort and security, and meets social needs. Learn more here.